What’s on Tap Tuesday 15 May 2018


I think I have mentioned in previous posts that I am a big fan of Samuel Adams Brewery.  I really enjoy their seasonal releases more than their flagship “Boston Lager” beer.  I recently picked up their Summer Variety pack and have made my judgement.  I’m sure the brewers at Samuel Adams have been on pins and needle awaiting my review.


Summer Ale: 7 IBUs,  5.3 ABV.  Samuel Adams is making this the centerpiece of their summer beer releases.  A wheat beer with a very low 7 IBUs.  Meh.  Summer Ale is too mild and flavorless.   I am not a fan of too much hops in beer, but this ale could probably stand to have little more bitterness.

2 Belches:  


Golden Ale:  12 IBUs,  5.0 ABV.  Now we are talking!  Golden Ale is smooth with medium flavor.  Good for a hot summer day, it will definitely quench your thirst.

4 Belches:  


Pale Ale:  32 IBU,  5.4 ABV.  Blech!  At 32 IBUs it’s not quite a typical IPA, but pale ales do tend to be moderately bitter.  Which not bad in itself, but this pale ale has a very strange bitter aftertaste.  It’s not very well balanced.

1 Belch:  


Raspberry Lemon Gose:  15 IBUs,  5.0 ABV.   Not bad, but not good either.   If you are wondering what a gose beer is: it is a sour wheat beer brewed with lemon and salt.  Raspberry Lemon Gose is mellow with a bit of tartness.  I wouldn’t turn it down if I were offered one.

3 Belches:  


Hefeweizen:  14 IBUs, 5.4.  The taste of cloves in this hefeweizen is too overpowering; gives it a “cough syrup” taste.


2 Belches:  


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