Fiction Beer Company

  My buddy Dave S. and I recently visited Fiction Beer Company, located in west Denver.  As the name suggests, Fiction Beer is a brewery with a literature theme.  Books and beer, now that’s a brewery right in my wheelhouse!  The brewery is small, perhaps the word cozy would be a better word, yet comfortable with bookcases stuffed with books.  There is an outdoor patio but since the wind chill temps were in the 20’s the day we visited we decided to pass.  The staff was friendly and efficient.

     I chose A Beer of Very Little Brain, their honey wheat ale (to spell it out, it’s a play on the title A Bear of Very Little Brain.  You know, the book starring that honey loving bear Winnie the Pooh).  I found it to be mellow with a medium malt flavor.  The honey flavor was very subtle, because they don’t actually add honey to the brewing process; the flavor actually comes from the honey malt used in the brewing process.

     A Bear with Very Little Brain comes in at 4.9% ABV with 25 IBUs.  With its mild flavor and lower ABV, this is a beer you can drink several of in one sitting.  That’s why it would be an outstanding beer for a hot summer day.

     I give it a hearty four belches:


     For those of you who are hop-heads, Fiction Beer has a very robust IPA selection.  I can’t tell you if they are good or not, because as I’ve previously made clear, I ain’t into IPA’s.

     Fiction Beer Company is a small, friendly local brewry that I heartily endorse and intend to visit again in the near future.

Fiction Beer Company, located 7101 E. Colfax Avenue, Denver

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