Book Review – Son of the Black Sword

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I have set a goal to read 26 books in 2019, and review them upon completion.  Below is my review of Son of the Black Sword by Larry Correia, the 7th book I have completed so far this year.

Son of the Black Sword was a fast and enjoyable read. I finished it in less than two days. Set in an India-like world, it’s the story of a magic-infused warrior who battles demons in a land of castes and “untouchables”, called the caste-less.

Our warrior, named Ashok, begins the book as a member of a special high caste warrior order called the Protectorate. The Protectorate’s mission is to defeat demons who infest the oceans of this world. As the book progresses, Ashok discovers a terrible secret about his past and who he really is, as well as a shocking twist (that isn’t really much of a shock as I saw it coming early on) that threatens to cause massive upheaval to the prevailing culture of Ashok’s world.

While the characters of Black Sword are pretty much cardboard cut-outs and the attempted shocking twist was a dud, I found the world building and action scenes outstanding. The sequel, House of Assassins is already out and I intend to pick it up soon.

3 thumbs up:

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