Instead of a New Year’s resolution, be SMART

Image by Aukje from Pixabay

New Year, new you, right? Have you filled out your New Year’s resolution yet? Resolved to lose weight, travel more, or manage your money better have you? The problem with such vague resolutions is how do you know if and when you’ve achieved them? There’s no finish line. Instead of a journey of self-improvement, a vague resolution is more like an endless death march. No wonder they fall by the wayside by Groundhog Day.

That’s why I prefer to use the SMART method of goal setting. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time based. For more info, check out this site: SMART Goals – How to Make Your Goals Achievable (

My SMART goals of 2023

With three-score years under my belt, I’m not into self-improvement at this point in my life. I am what I am. My SMART goals are about making my life more enjoyable. For example, I am not trying to lose weight for aesthetic reasons. Losing weight will reduce the pain in my knee and back, and improve my mobility.

So, without further ado, here are my SMART goals of 2023

  • Reach XXX weight by December 31, 2023
  • Ride the Tour de Vinyards in Grand Junction (Tour de Vineyards).
  • Visit a Colorado hot springs with the inestimable MrsVintage
  • Read one book every two weeks
  • Install a waterwise front yard
  • Write a blog post every two weeks

Keeping with another acronym, Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS), that’s all there is. Too many goals, and there is not enough MrVintage available to accomplish them. Besides, a list like this is quite achievable. Wish me luck!

What resolutions or goals have you set for the upcoming year?

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