After the (snow) storm

One of the nice things about late winter/extremely early spring snowstorms here in the Denver area is, that while they tend to be very wet and heavy, the trees and shrubs haven’t leafed out yet thus there usually isn’t much damage. If a storm like the one that slammed my area last Thursday and Friday hits a month from now, there could be a lot of damaged or destroyed trees.

Because the snow is so moisture laden, the yard and borders get a nice deep soaking. Large swaths of my lawn turned green virtually overnight.

Finally, my favorite thing about these snowstorms is how fast they melt away. Instead of glaciers lingering for weeks or months, snow melts and the garden reappears in just a few days.

Below are some pictures of the storm and then some taken a few days later.

I took the following pictures on March 20th.

I saw this little fellow crawling across the deck while shoveling the deck steps on March 21st.

Where’s he going?

The pictures below were taken on March 24th. Almost a foot of snow is practically gone!

How fares your garden in these very early days of spring?

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