Back in July, I posted my summer reading list (see here: https://www.mrvintageman.com/summer-reading/). In that post I stated that I am not a fan of creating reading lists, that I prefer to read where my interests lead me. Well, the summer reading list was such a success that I am hereby posting my autumn reading list!
Greece against Rome by Philip Matysak: after Alexander the Great died in India, his generals divided his empire was into three smaller (yet still powerful) empires. These three Hellenistic empires: the Ptolemaic (Egypt), the Seleucid (former Persian empire) and the Macedonia (Macedon and Greece) all vied against each other to achieve dominance over the Near East Asia, all the while a new power was rising in the western Mediterranean. Greece against Rome show that the failure of the Hellenistic empires to band together to face this new threat led to their demise.
Twilight of the Gods by Ian Toll: this one was on my summer reading list, but as it just came out, I am putting it on my autumn list as well.
Destroyer of Worlds by Larry Correia: this one was also on my summer list, and it too just came out. ’nuff said.
Next to Last Stand (Longmire mystery #16) by Craig Johnson: the last few Longmire books have left me a bit unsatisfied, so I am sincerely hoping that with Next to Last Stand Craig Johnson brings his Longmire mysteries back to their former glory.
Battleground (Dresden #17) by Jim Butcher: after a six year hiatus, Jim Butcher has released two Dresden Novels this year (Peace Talks published back in July). Battleground is actually part 2 of Peace Talks, and continues with the story of an ancient enemy of humanity that has arisen after millennia of dormancy to start a war between humans and creatures of the supernatural.
Legend of Sleepy Hallow and other writings by Washington Irving: I haven’t read Sleepy Hallow in decades! This should be a perfect read at Halloween.
Farther Afield: A Gardener’s Excursions by Allen Lacy: this is another collection of gardening essays by the late Allen Lacy, philosophy professor and garden writer. His Home Ground was on my summer reading list, and I enjoyed it immensely. I think I will save this one for late into the autumn season, when winter begins to announce its arrival, as a way to buoy my gardener’s spirit.
Fleet Elements (Dread Empire’s Fall #5) by Walter Jon Williams: Fleet Elements is supposed to be released in early December, so this one might bleed over into my “winter reading list”, assuming I do one. Book #4 of the Dread Empire’s Fall (The Accidental War), took quite awhile to get going. But once it finally did get going, it finished off with a bang. So I’m looking forward to this release.
I’m still not a big fan of reading lists, but should there be a similar bumper crop of interesting releases scheduled for next year, there may be a Christmas/winter reading list for 2021.
What books are you planning on reading this fall? Any suggestions that I can add to my list?