Book Review – The Second World Wars

I have set a goal to read 26 books in 2019, and review them upon completion.  Below is my review of The Second World Wars, the 6th book I have completed so far this year.

Victor Davis Hanson has produced a masterpiece in his “The Second World Wars”.  Unlike authors of conventional books about WWII, Mr. Hanson book is not a chronological telling of the war.  Instead, he focuses his attention on strategic milestones and how the Axis powers were never in a position to actually win the wars they started.

Initially, the Axis powers looked unstoppable.  They rolled through Western Europe and Southeast Asia/Oceania like juggernauts.  But none of the Axis Powers were in a position to ultimately attack and conquer the Big 3 Allied powers.  While Germany did enormous damage to the Soviet Union, ultimately the Third Reich was never in a position to consolidate their gains west of the Urals.  And Germany was also never a serious threat to invade Great Britain.

And neither Japan or Germany could attack the United States in a meaningful way, leaving the industrial giant free to build up it’s forces (and the forces of the Allies) that would lead to the destruction of the Axis.

I highly recommend this book and give it 4 thumbs up.

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