Category Archives: American West

Gardening (and life) west of the 100th meridian

There is a saying out here in the bone-dry West: “whiskey is for drinking, water is for fighting”. There is some debate as to where the American West begins. Myself, I view 100⁰ longitude (or the 100th meridian) as the … Continue reading

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Removing my American West page

(Editor’s note:  I am doing some minor housecleaning to my blog.  Mostly I am updating the focus on several of the pages that you see at the top of the blog.  My writing has improved a bit since I started … Continue reading

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If you enjoy Old West history, then you have to visit the Golden Spike National Historic Site

     If you are interested in the history of the Old West, and should you ever find yourself traveling to or thru northern Utah by way of I-84, I would highly recommend you reconnoiter the Golden Spike National Historical … Continue reading

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