Category Archives: Autumn

Autumn is here! Which means it’s time to get back out into the garden.

Here’s a dirty little secret about Ol’ MrVintageMan: I don’t do a whole lot of gardening in the month of August. Disgraceful, I know. I spend all winter pining for the growing season to start. I become ecstatic when the … Continue reading

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Autumn color around the Denver metro area

Every year I try to document the fall colors around the Denver metro area. That is if I remember to do it. Or if I’m in town. Or if I feel like it. Ok, so I try to document the … Continue reading

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November in the Vintage garden

We had a pretty warm autumn here along Colorado’s Front Range, which meant that many late blooming plants and shrubs were in flower for an unusually long time. It was quite nice actually. That all ended in the last week … Continue reading

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