Fair weather cyclist









     I must confess to being a fair weather bicyclist.  As much as I enjoy cycling, I seriously dislike riding in the cold.  I absolutely hate when the cold and the wind make my eyes leak and turns my nose turns into a snot faucet.  I much prefer riding in the spring, summer and autumn not just because it’s warmer, but also because there is much natural beauty to take in.  In the cold months where I live there is nothing to look at while riding but various shades of gray and brown.  Not very inspiring.

     Besides, I’m a little paranoid about hitting an icy spot and wiping out.

     But I want to push myself a little harder this year.  I would like ride longer routes on organized rides, perhaps even do a metric century (which is roughly 60 miles).  I also would like to go further out of my comfort zone and maybe do an overnight trip where I ride to another town, spend the night and return home the next day.  There’s a website devoted to inspire people to doing overnight or two bike tours.  It’s called Bike Overnights.  Check out their site here: https://www.bikeovernights.org/.

Cycleops magnetic trainer

      So it is my intention to maintain my bicycling strength through the winter.  Which is why I did something I never thought I would do: I bought an indoor trainer so I can keep riding through the cold months.  Truthfully, it’s not a whole lot of fun.  So, to make the riding  it bearable,  I parked it in my living room in front of the television.  I pull up Netflix or YouTube on the T.V. so I have something to keep my mind occupied.

     There is are several touring videos on YouTube that were taken by bicyclists (see here & here) and feature some awesome scenery.  I like to crank up the resistance when the rider is going up hills and reduce resistance but pedal faster on the downhills.  Gives me a sort of real world experience.  As much real world as can be expected while riding in your living room.

     Anyway, we shall see how much it helps when civilized bicycling weather returns.  If nothing else, it should keep the calluses on my ass ready for the riding season.


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