I would like to show the progress of the areas of the garden I have renovated recently.
But before we do I thought I also display my only container planter success story from this year. My containers this year were thoroughly disappointing. To say they performed poorly would be an understatement. I’ve already given up on a couple of them. I ripped the summer flowers out and have replaced them with mums in preparation for fall.
However, the container below turned out ok. Not what I had in mind, but not bad. I sowed some dwarf sunflower seeds in the spring, and put in some zinnias, alyssum and marigolds to fill it out. The zinnias are hanging in there, but the marigolds and alyssum are nowhere to be seen. C’est la vie.
Here it is in late May:

Now here it is in late August:

I like container gardens because I can plant annuals that provide season long color, which is a trait no perennial can provide. Unfortunately, my attempts are hit and miss. Some years I get good results, other years not so much. This year was a miss. Ah well, it’s much like rooting for the Colorado Rockies: there’s always next year.
Now to the garden renovation updates. Remember this from last year? (If not, here is a link to the applicable post: https://www.mrvintageman.com/tying-a-garden-together/).

And here we see it a year older. It usually takes 2 or 3 full growing seasons before perennials reach their full potential, so next year it should fill out even more.

Now to the section that I planted earlier this year. This was when I planted in late May:

And this is now:

Almost all of the plants made it through the summer. A couple of Jupiter’s Beards I transplanted from elsewhere in the garden sadly didn’t make it. I’ve purchased some replacements and will put them in the ground when the weather cools off.
In other places in the the yard I have some black-eyed Susans that are not doing so well, so I’m going to transplant into this area with the Jupiter’s Beard. I think this should help fill in the area, and provide some late season interest.
All in all I am quite pleased with the results.
How about you? Any garden success stories you would care to share? How about garden failures?