Last bicycle ride of 2019

The temperatures on Saturday were forecasted to be almost 20 degrees above the seasonal average 0f 42⁰. My original plan on Saturday was to get up and go to the gym in the morning to ride a stationary bike for 20-30 minutes. Once I read the forecast however, I decided to wait and ride my bicycle in the afternoon instead.

I’ll be forthright and admit that I’m usually not a fan of winter riding. But since I’ve decided to try and embrace winter more than I have in the past, I figured riding outside on a near spring-like day had to beat riding a stationary bike inside a fluorescent lit gym.

When I set out, at approximately 1:30 p.m., the temperature was a balmy 64⁰ with no wind. I put on pants, a long sleeve t-shirt under my short sleeve t-shirt, and packed my cold weather bike gloves and a lightweight watchcap that I wear under my helmet to keep my ears warm.

My ride took me into Cherry Creek State Park. By the time I rode up the reservoir spillway and into the park itself I was already getting too warm. I had to stop to take the watchcap off and switch out the cold weather gloves for the fingerless warm weather ones.

Using fingerless bicycling gloves on the first day of winter!

I hadn’t been on my bicycle since early October, so I knew I had to take my time and use easier gears than I would of just a couple of months ago; especially on the hills. I also planned to stop for a few breaks along the way. Riding a stationary bike helps with cardio, but it is rather pale imitation of a real ride. I found that taking it easy made for a relaxing and relatively comfortable ride. I guess wisdom does eventually come with age.

The hills still sucked though.

Snow-capped Rockies off in the distance.
The plants and trees in the park were mostly just some variation of the color brown, but these yucca are still defiantly holding on to some of their greenish hue.
“Nobody on the road, nobody on the beach,
I feel it in the air,
The summer’s out of reach,
Empty lake, empty beach,
The sun goes down alone…
Boys of Summer – Don Henley
A formation of geese following an aircraft heading east.
Even though the temps were in the mid-60s, the waters of the reservoir remained frozen.

While I was taking the last few pictures, I became acutely aware of the silence that permeated the world around me. The only sounds I heard were from a couple whistling for their dogs, the honk of the geese when their formations flew overhead, and the occasional caw of a solitary raven. Even though I have seen many a winter, I still sometimes find such stillness eerie.

The fading sunlight deepens the shadows in crevices in the bark of these cottonwood trees .
The last few hours of autumn daylight for 2019. When the sun rises in the morning it will be winter (the solstice was actually at 9:19 p.m. on Saturday, so technically it was still fall when I took this picture).

I’ve got to say, I really enjoyed this late autumn/early winter ride. It really brightened my mood and put a little pep in my step. Perhaps it’s time to mentally toughen myself up a bit and go on more bike rides this winter.

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