New Years resolutions follow-up

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Well, here we are on the 1st of February and 8.33% of the way through 2020. And how are your New Years resolutions coming along? It’s fairly common knowledge that by Valentines Day most of us have already given up on our resolutions. According to this article, only 8% of us achieve our resolutions by years end:

It is my unconsidered and unscientific opinion that one the biggest reasons we fail is because our resolutions are too vague, too far into the future and most especially we don’t track our progress. Anyway, I know I haven’t’ done any follow up in past years. Perhaps if we hold ourselves accountable, we might actually accomplish some of what we’ve set out to do.

With that in mind, I’ve made a commitment to myself to do a monthly review of my resolution progress. Where was I successful, and where did I fall short and what can I do to correct it? We shall see if this helps me accomplish the goals I’ve set for myself.

Without further ado, here is the first of my planned monthly progress reports on how I am coming along on my resolutions (to see the resolutions, click here: ).

  • Travel: nope, MrsVintage and I haven’t gone anywhere yet. Grade: needs work.
  • Bicycling: another nope. In my defense, I’ve made no secret that I’m not a fan of winter bicycling. I am still waiting on more conducive riding weather. I did get my bicycle tuned however. Grade: in abeyance.
  • Reading: this one is coming along swimmingly. I can’t say I’ve read every day, but I’ve read most days. I am finding that my flabby reading skills are getting stronger and I am really enjoying what I am reading. Grade: excellent.
  • Gardening: there definitely is not much to actually be done outside in the yard this time of year, except shovel snow and pick up dog poop. Inside, however, is a perfect time to dream and scheme. Which is what I have been doing. I’ve figured out most of the plants I want to put in the garden this year, and what projects I would like to accomplish in the coming months. Grade: meets expectations.

So that’s how my resolutions are coming along.

How about you? Making any strides on your resolutions in the New(ish) Year? What has worked so far and what hasn’t?

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