A gardener in winter: time for dreaming and scheming (part 1)

Winter of this gardener’s discontent…

If I am honest with myself, and I usually am, I must acknowledge that for all my bitching about winter I actually appreciate a season without gardening. The dormant season gives me a chance to recharge the ol’ batteries. Come October I have had quite enough of mowing, weeding and watering. I don’t know how gardeners in warmer climes stay motivated all year long.

Still, sometime around late January or early February the gardening batteries are near full charge and I start getting antsy to get back out into the yarden. Mid-to-late winter is when I usually head outside and begin to chop down and remove the detritus from last year’s growing season. But for the most part the weather is still cold and there ain’t much to look at.

So what I spend the winter doing, and I’m sure I’m not alone in this, is perusing plant catalogs and magazines to find ideas and inspiration for the upcoming growing season.

Rocky Mountain Penstemon

Non-gardeners might think that all there is to gardening is plot some plants in the ground and, viola!, a garden! They would be wrong. Let me explain. Veggie gardeners spend the winter pondering what veggies worked and which ones didn’t. So they’ll intently study seed catalogs for different cultivars in hopes for even greater success in the upcoming year.

Flower and landscape gardeners, such as myself, are never quite satisfied with how their gardens look. For example, plants might unexpectedly die and leave holes in the border, or might be struggling in a less than ideal location for said plants. Other issues might be plants that grew much larger than expected and squeezed out their neighbors. And sometimes, *stage whisper* it’s just a case that a gardener falls out of love with a plant and decides it is time for the plant and the gardener go their separate ways.

Truth be told, most gardeners never feel like his or her garden is finished. There is always room for improvement.

Blanket flowers

I have spent this winter pondering how to improve a section of the border over by the birdbath. This section has been a thorn in my side for years. When we moved in many years ago, this section had a mature aspen and a dwarf lilac. So when I renovated this area, I put in a bunch of shade loving plants. Well, the aspen died and the lilac became diseased. Both came out and now there was no shade for the shade loving plants.

I’ve tried to recreate the shady conditions by planting trees. Unfortunatly, two of the three trees I planted have died or are currently dying. Only the redbud is hanging in there. So this year I said to hell with it and I am giving up on trying to make this a shady spot (this section is a hot and dry south facing location), and instead make it more heat and drought tolerant.

Black-eyed Susans

I have spent the winter months doing my research. I am going to dig out the dying tree and putting in drought and heat tolerant plants such as Panicum ornamental switch grasses, blanket flowers, butterfly weeds and native penstemons. When I finally get to work on this area, I will be sure to include some before and after pictures.

That’s not all the changes I have planned for the upcoming growing season, but since this post is getting a little long, I will do a part 2 of this subject very soon.

How about you? Have you made any plans for the upcoming growing season?

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New Years resolutions follow-up

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Well, here we are on the 1st of February and 8.33% of the way through 2020. And how are your New Years resolutions coming along? It’s fairly common knowledge that by Valentines Day most of us have already given up on our resolutions. According to this article, only 8% of us achieve our resolutions by years end: https://fee.org/articles/why-its-time-to-ditch-new-years-resolutions/.

It is my unconsidered and unscientific opinion that one the biggest reasons we fail is because our resolutions are too vague, too far into the future and most especially we don’t track our progress. Anyway, I know I haven’t’ done any follow up in past years. Perhaps if we hold ourselves accountable, we might actually accomplish some of what we’ve set out to do.

With that in mind, I’ve made a commitment to myself to do a monthly review of my resolution progress. Where was I successful, and where did I fall short and what can I do to correct it? We shall see if this helps me accomplish the goals I’ve set for myself.

Without further ado, here is the first of my planned monthly progress reports on how I am coming along on my resolutions (to see the resolutions, click here: https://www.mrvintageman.com/happy-new-year-2020/ ).

  • Travel: nope, MrsVintage and I haven’t gone anywhere yet. Grade: needs work.
  • Bicycling: another nope. In my defense, I’ve made no secret that I’m not a fan of winter bicycling. I am still waiting on more conducive riding weather. I did get my bicycle tuned however. Grade: in abeyance.
  • Reading: this one is coming along swimmingly. I can’t say I’ve read every day, but I’ve read most days. I am finding that my flabby reading skills are getting stronger and I am really enjoying what I am reading. Grade: excellent.
  • Gardening: there definitely is not much to actually be done outside in the yard this time of year, except shovel snow and pick up dog poop. Inside, however, is a perfect time to dream and scheme. Which is what I have been doing. I’ve figured out most of the plants I want to put in the garden this year, and what projects I would like to accomplish in the coming months. Grade: meets expectations.

So that’s how my resolutions are coming along.

How about you? Making any strides on your resolutions in the New(ish) Year? What has worked so far and what hasn’t?

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Happy New Year 2020

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Welcome to the New Year and say farewell to the 20teens. We are entering the third decade of the new millennium and we are still without flying cars, replicants or off-world colonies. Damn, what a disappointment.

Being the first day of the New Year, it is of course tradition to write down resolutions in an attempt to better ourselves. Resolutions that will most likely be long forgotten before Valentines Day even rolls around.

My personal opinion, based on many years of observation, is that our New Years resolutions generally fail because we fixate too much on our perceived flaws and weaknesses. We write resolutions that we feel will somehow “improve” us. I have come to understand that improving ones-self requires a great deal of effort and not a little pain.

Well, screw that. This year my resolutions are going to focus on things that bring joy to me. I’m encroaching the big 60, and am no longer interested in improving myself. Too little time left in this life for that nonsense.

In the words of Popeye the Sailor Man: “I yam what I yam”.

So without further ado, here be my 2020 resolutions:

  • Travel: I would like to take MrsVintage to somewhere in Colorado where we have never been before. In spite of all the awesome places we’ve been to in this great state, there is still a lot of Colorado left for us to explore.
  • Bicycling: 2019 was not an enjoyable year on my bicycle. To much focus on fitness, not enough on having fun (I’ll go into that later this year). So my bicycling resolution is this: at least once a month (from April to October) ride somewhere that sounds interesting – perhaps a restaurant, pub, brewery or some other place that strikes my fancy – and let you all know my thoughts on it.
  • Reading: I’m still spending too much time surfing the inter-webs, and it’s messing with my ability to focus on my reading. I set a rather lofty reading goal in 2019, one I didn’t even come close to achieving. So my resolution in 2020 is to simply read each day. No time or page goal. Just read. Could be as little as a paragraph, could be a whole book, depending upon how I feel. Only rule: cannot be on the internet. eBooks are fine, however.
  • Gardening: I want to overhaul the border section in the backyard over by the dying serviceberry. It’s looking rather ratty over there and could stand some improvement. Plus, it’s time to do something about the serviceberry itself. I’m thinking of replacing it with some ornamental grasses.

That’s it, folks. All my resolutions are specific and achievable. And none require inflicting physical pain or psychological damage upon myself.

The only resolution that could be considered an attempt to improve myself is the reading one. I love reading, and I want to retrain my brain to get back to enjoying it.

My vision for the New Year is so clear it’s 2020!


A little dad humor at your expense.

How about you? What resolutions are you working on this year? More importantly, what are you hoping to achieve with the resolutions you have come up with?

Feel free to leave comments. If there is a problem with leaving comments, e-mail me at Mrvintageman2@gmail.com.

In the meantime, have a happy and healthy New Year!

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