“I find television very educating. Every time someone turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book”.
Groucho Marx
With the Hollerdayz upon us, this week’s Weekend Bookshelf is going to be a little abbreviated.
Libraries of famous authors:
I’m adding a new occasional feature to the Weekend Bookshelf: libraries of famous authors and other personages. I find personal libraries fascinating. They revel so much about the owner, both in the books on their shelves and the ways they add personal touches to make their library distinctive.
The first featured library belonged to one of my favorite authors, Ernest Hemingway.

Ernest Hemingway’s library in Cuba
Hemingway’s library is a lot like his writing style: spartan and to the point. Very few extraneous features. It’s well known that Hemingway was a sportsman, and he made sure to include certain items that emphasis that in his library. I am curious at how he managed to get to the books on the top shelves of the taller case. A ladder? Stepstool? A big ‘ol stick? The bookcase looks impressive but seems a bit impractical.
Hemingway was a voracious reader, and his various libraries were stocked with thousands and thousands of books. Here is a link to the complete inventory of Hemingway’s libraries if you are interested:
Book Review: “On My Own Two Wheels: Back in the Saddle at 60″ by Malachi O’Doherty
Mr. O’Doherty’s “On My Own Two Wheels” is an interesting look at a man getting back into bicycling after several decades away. Mr. O’Doherty was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes shortly before his 60th birthday. He lost close to 30lbs by dieting and walking. Whereupon he decided that with less weight to lug around, perhaps he could start bicycling again, a activity than he enjoyed in his youth.
One thing Mr. O’Doherty makes clear, to himself and us, that living a healthier life doesn’t turn back the clock. He’s still an old(ish) man on a bike, no matter what the weigh scale reads.
Overall, I found parts of the book enjoyable. The chapters where he describes some of his rides was a bit of slog, primarily because I’ve never been to Northern Ireland and had a hard time picturing his journeys.
The sections where he gets into his riding philophy I found very good, because it’s a philosophy close to my own. Mr. O’Doherty is not interested in setting personal records, or trying to whip himself into a world class athlete. He rides because he enjoys it, and he goes as fast and as far as he wants without worrying about a heartrate monitor. He calls his style of riding as “tootling”, and it’s one I subscribe to as well.
Short but enjoyable read. I give it 3 thumbs up.
Let me close out by wishing you all a very Merry Christmas! I hope Santa fills your stockings with all the books you have on your Christmas list.
Or a flamethrower. Whatever floats your boat.
That’s it for this week. Comments, suggestions, tips and recommendations are always welcome. If you don’t wish to post comments on this site, feel free to email me at: Mrvintageman2@gmail.com.