“Plant” gardeners vs. “Landscape” gardeners

It is my unscientific observation that people who are primarily flower gardeners (as opposed to veggie gardeners), tend to fall into two broad categories: plant vs landscape gardeners.

For plant gardeners, the plant is the whole purpose of gardening. These types of gardeners are the ones who belong to plant societies. Hosta societies, Iris societies, Peony societies, Rose societies, etc., etc. You get the idea.

Plant gardeners build their whole garden around their favorite plant(s). Henry Mitchell, who was the garden writer for the Washington Post for several decades, was so besotted with Irises that every year he would take his vacation when his Irises bloomed. I’m not sure what he did during that week. Sit and stare at them all day?

Landscape gardeners, on the other hand, tend to view plants as a means to an end. They are like landscape painters, only instead of using oils they use plants as a way to create a living tapestry. If I had to guess, and I have no proof of this, I suspect the majority modern gardeners tend to lean more into this group.

I myself am more of a landscape gardener. Don’t get me wrong, there are several plants that I am particularly fond of. Ornamental grasses for one. I firmly believe you can’t have enough of them. I am also a big fan of the Asteraceae (or Compositae) family. This family includes daisies, flea-banes, black-eyed Susan’s and one of my all-time favorites, fall blooming asters.

Black-eyed Susans and asters. Photo taken from the Vintage front yard.

I get the most enjoyment from my garden when I am sitting on my deck and surveying my little kingdom. I get a great sense of satisfaction knowing I made this garden happen. The plants themselves do most of the work, but it is thanks to me and Mrs. Vintage that they have a little patch of soil they can call home.

Feather reed grass (Karl Foerster), Russian sage and ornamental oregano. Also taken from the Vintage front yard

So that’s what has been happening in my yard and garden. How about your yarden? Do you have any pictures or stories you would like share? If so, please send your pictures and details to MrVintageMan2@gmail.com.

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