Resolutions follow-up: March

Image by Markus Spiske from Pixabay

It’s the first day of March, so you know what that means: in less than three weeks the 1st day of Spring will be here! The cold and dark days of January and February are behind us for another year. Huzzah!

The first of the month also means it’s time to me to hold myself accountable for my New Years Resolutions (hereupon simply known as “my Resolutions”, for it ain’t a New Year anymore).

To see how I did in January, click here:

Let us now review my progress over these past 29 days of February misery.

  • Travel: Outstanding! No, I didn’t take MrsVintage anywhere new in our great state of Colorado, but we did go back East to be with our daughter and her family as she gave birth to healthy newborn boy!
  • Bicycling: meets expectations. I went on no rides in the month of February, which is par for the course for me in winter. This February was particularly brutal, as we had nearly twice the amount of snow for the month than average, and 20 of the 29 days were below average temperatures. Bicycling in that? No thank you.
  • Reading: above average. Continuing to read most every day, and I am finding my ability to concentrate is much better than it was on New Years Eve. I just finished “On Gardening” by Henry Mitchell last week, and now I’m roughly halfway through “Dodge City” by Tom Clavin.
  • Gardening: meets expectations. Finalized plans on the garden renovation I have planned for by the bird bath, watched Comcast tear up sections of the yard I hadn’t planned on fixing (see here:, and purchased a few plants that were on sale at one of my favorite mail order nurseries (Bluestone Perennials). Yesterday was warm enough, albeit cloudy, for me to get outside and clean out last year’s plant carcasses from the containers. Now that the days are getting longer and warmer, I expect the tempo to start picking up.

So that’s the progress I made in the past month. How about you? Are you still making progress in accomplishing your resolutions? Are you enjoying the effort?

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One Response to Resolutions follow-up: March

  1. Kevin Hickey says:

    Testing comments

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