Scenery seen from a bicycle saddle

I have signed up for an organized bicycle ride that is being held in September. The ride is 93.5 kilometers long, or 6.5 kilometers short of what is known in the bicycling world as a “metric century”. For us American types, a metric century is a little over 62 miles. In other words, I have set a goal to ride 58 miles during this event.

To prepare for this ordeal I have been riding several times a week, with at least one of these rides getting progressively longer each week. My long ride is now up to four hours. To keep myself energized and hydrated I pack a PB&J sammich, a banana, a bottle of Gatorade and a shit ton of water. I’ve yet to suffer from heat stroke, so I must be doing something right.

I like to do at least one organized ride a year because it affords me the opportunity to ride and tour places I would never go otherwise. It’s good to expand one’s horizons.

Still, I remain more of a tourist on a bicycle than a “bicyclist”, so even on my long rides I make sure to stop and smell the roses. And take pictures. Below are some intriguing photos taken on some recent rides.


Yucca plants in bloom at Cherry Creek State Park.
Cherry Creek State Park Marina
Interesting retaining wall next to the bike path in the town of Centennial. All the plants you see in the wall are Russian Sage. Very tough plant for very tough growing conditions.
Wildflowers on a trail near Parker, Colorado.
Field of grasses at a trail rest stop. Parker, Colorado.
Cool and shady stream. Parker, Colorado
Hard to believe, but this bucolic setting was actually taken less than a mile from a major traffic thoroughfare in southeast Denver.
This small garden is located in a condominium “hell-strip” near the Plains Conservation Center in Aurora. Russian sage, red roses and feather reed grass.
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