A few months ago I wrote about my February blues. We are now well into May and I am happy report that my winter blues are a thing of the past. Well, until next February that is. Spring is FINALLY here!
One thing I find surprising about Spring is how much the arrival of Spring surprises me. Lemme explain that nonsensical statement; because I am anxiously waiting for Winter to loosen its icy grip on the world, I actively look for signs of the changing of the seasons. Starting in mid-March and all the way through April I spot subtle signs: sunlight that is a little stronger, the lawn gradually changing from tan to green, new shoots from perennial plants slowly sprouting from the seemingly barren earth. It’s all a slow metamorphosis.

Big-tooth Maple (Acer Grandentatum)
Until around the 2nd week in May that is. Then Spring seems to stomp on the gas pedal and announces to the whole world: I HAVE ARRIVED! In just a few days, trees that were just starting to show signs of leafing out are suddenly bedecked in the bright green raiment of new leaves. Case in point: Mrs. Vintage and I were sitting out on our patio on Saturday, lounging beneath this Big-tooth Maple (see picture to the right) and enjoying the warm weather. This tree was not providing much in the way of shade because the leaves were just starting to emerge from their buds. Fast forward three days and you can see that the leaves have fully emerged! Startling.
My lawn is now a deep green and growing so fast that I need to mow every 4 or 5 days. The hops and clematis vines on the trellis by the front window are halfway up to the eaves. My perennial nemesis, bindweed, has suddenly sprouted from every bare patch of earth in its endless quest to choke the shit out the plants I actually want to grow there.
It’s not just the plants either. While we are aware that the sunlight has been gradually getting stronger, there comes a day when you realize that it’s very bright out there and you really should have brought along your shades. Because the sunlight is so much more intense, the colors of everything seem to stand out more. Cars, houses and the clothing on people are just so much more vibrant. The world feels so alive and the air so clear and bright.

Hops and clematis reaching for the sky.
Of course, this euphoria never lasts. Human nature being what it is, by July we take all of this for granted. The world is green, it has always been green, it will always be green. Which is why the signs of the impending change of the seasons in late August and early September seem to catch me by surprise all over again. Sunlight grows dimmer, the days grow shorter and the shadows longer, and many trees in my neighborhood are now flecked with the colors that are harbingers of the changes to come.
Thus, the cycle continues.

Bike ride 10 days ago…

Bike ride today.