Tag Archives: garden review

The 2023 Vintage garden in review

January is for me a distressing month. The bright glow of the holiday season is long past. The days are now cold, dim and dreary. And the long slog through February, that most miserable of months, still lies ahead. To … Continue reading

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The 2022 gardening year in review

Mired as we are in the deepest and coldest part of winter, I thought I’d do a review of last year’s garden. Just to remind us that brighter days do lie ahead. As would be expected, the 2022 gardening year … Continue reading

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2021 garden year in review: the good, the bad and the ugly

Now that the gardening season is over, it is time for me to review how the Vintage garden fared over the past six or so months. I find doing a year-end review is helpful for me because it allows me … Continue reading

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