Tag Archives: New Years resolutions

Setting my S.M.A.R.T. goals for 2024

Well, another year is in our rear-view mirrors and a new year has dawned anew. How was your 2023? Did you accomplish your New Years resolutions? Last year, I posted how I wasn’t into resolutions anymore. Instead, I was going … Continue reading

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Instead of a New Year’s resolution, be SMART

New Year, new you, right? Have you filled out your New Year’s resolution yet? Resolved to lose weight, travel more, or manage your money better have you? The problem with such vague resolutions is how do you know if and … Continue reading

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Happy New Year! Goodbye 2020, hello 2021.

I’m resolving to just wing it and see what happens. Bill Patterson (Calvin and Hobbes author) The new year is upon us, which means the shitshow that was 2020 is now history. I am inclined to wonder weirdness awaits us … Continue reading

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