Tag Archives: Winter Blues

Random musings on spring in the garden (and elsewhere)

“In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt”. Margaret Atwood Spring has sprung! While the phrase “spring has sprung” is just a play on words, there is no doubt in my mind that there … Continue reading

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Welcome Winter

Winter officially arrives today at 21:19 Mountain Standard Time, which translates to 9:19 p.m. for you civilian types. The Winter Solstice is my 4th favorite day of the winter season, behind Christmas, the last day of winter and Groundhog Day. … Continue reading

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Exercise and mental health benefits: winter vs spring/summer/early autumn

I’ve mentioned before on this blog that I suffer from winter blues/seasonal affective disorder and the various ways I attempt to manage the symptoms of these disorders. I believe that my anxiety and depression cause the winter blues really hit … Continue reading

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