Tag Archives: Winter Solstice

The winter solstice has arrived. Happy days are here again! (Sort of).

‘We are nearer to SpringThan we were in September,’I heard a bird singIn the dark of December.” Oliver Herford, I Heard a Bird Sing The winter solstice arrives tonight at 20:27 (8:27 MST for you civilian types) here at the Vintage … Continue reading

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The 1st day of winter

The solstice occurred this morning, specifically at 3:02 A.M. here in the Denver metro area, thus marking the return of winter. Continue reading

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Happy Winter Solstice

     Today is the day the Winter Solstice occurs.  Oh happy day!  From this point on the days will be gradually getting longer and brighter.  For those of us who suffer from the winter blues and/or Seasonal Attitude Disorder … Continue reading

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