This week in the garden April 21-28.


     I’ve been thinking about doing regular gardening blog posts. Specifically, I want to write about what is happening in my garden and in the yards and gardens in my region. This here be the 1st such post. We’ll see how it goes.

     So, what was going on in my little slice of Eden during the week of April 21-28?  Truthfully, not a heck of a lot.  Several tulips were in bloom in the back corner (see picture above).  The redbud tree is finishing up it’s bloom, which is good because the snowstorm we’re expecting this weekend would finish off the blossoms anyway.  What few branches that are still alive on the dying serviceberry tree put out a few white blooms, just enough to remind me that I have to cut this tree down later this year.

     That’s about it.  Once upon a time I had big plans on making large swaths of tulips and daffodils in my backyard, but I’ve lost interest in spring bulbs.  Their season of bloom is far too short for the effort it requires to plant them.

     Several of my trees have already leafed out, which seems way earlier than usual.  I worry about a late, heavy spring snow storm coming in and stripping branches off of the newly leafed trees.  Not a damn thing I can do about it if that should happen, so I guess I’ll just have to hope for the best.

    Several of my neighbor’s lilac bushes have been in full, glorious bloom this week.  I love the sight and smells of lilacs, but sadly my lilac shrub caught some sort of plant disease a few years ago and I had to dig it out.  Therefor I have to enjoy my neighbors lilacs vicariously.

     If anybody has pictures of their gardens in bloom, please feel free to share them.  I’m always looking for new ideas.

    Until the next installment, happy gardening my friends.

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