Updating the Bookshelf page

     I have been doing some housecleaning around the MrVintageMan site recently.  I’ve realized that my writing has improved in some small ways, and some of the works on my blog are no longer up to snuff.  Specifically, I have made some improvement to the Pages that are at the top of the blog.

     I’ve converted several of the old pages to posts so that I can keep a sample of my writing so as to track my improvements.  One page I have decided not to keep as a post is my old Bookshelf page.  This page is too unwieldy to put up as a post, and the editing required to make it fit would cause it to no longer make any kind of sense to the reader.

     Please check out the new Bookshelf page and let me know what you think.  I am always open to suggestions on ways to improve my blog.




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