Weekend Bookshelf

     I never feel lonely if I’ve got a book – they’re like old friends. Even if you’re not reading them over and over again, you know they are there. And they’re part of your history. They sort of tell a story about your journey through life.

                                                                                                      Emilia Fox

     The Weekend Bookshelf is a bit truncated this week.  With the late summer temperatures having moderated (a nice way of saying I don’t develop an instant case of swamp-ass when I step outside), I have been spending more time doing outdoor activities than writing.  Riding my bicycle, pulling weeds in my garden and lounging in the hammock have filled up my days when I’m not at work.  Got to enjoy these last warm days before the dark times arrive.

     Speaking of the hammock, Mrs. Vintage has recently discovered the joys of reading whilst relaxing in the hammock.  One day last week texted me a selfie of her enjoying a book in the hammock while I was at work.  That’s just wrong!


     My plan to read at least twenty-five pages a day has been progressing well.  I accomplished this herculean task 6 out the last 7 days.  I finished the fifth book of the Expanse series, “Nemesis Games”, in less than a week.  Very enjoyable read, but my review of it will come another day.  Right now I am about 1/3 of the way through Nick Bunker’s “Empire on the Edge”.  I hope to review it next week.


     Giving our children the love of reading is perhaps one of the greatest gifts a parent can bestow upon their children.  It gives our off-spring access to a lifetime of adventure and knowledge.  I am so proud that my daughter and son-in-law are now giving the gift of reading to their own son.

     My grandson already has several favorite books, including “The Wheels on the Bus”, “Ten Little Pigs” and “Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you see?”.  A young man of very discerning tastes.

     Earlier this summer Mrs. Vintage and I sent our grandson a seasonal pop-up book by Dale A. Carter called, appropriately enough, “Summer”.   The boy loved it so much he mangled it.  Now with autumn rapidly approaching, we felt it was time to purchase some fall specific reading materials for him.

     Autumn, also by Dale A. Carter, is a pop-up book of what one might see on a brisk autumn day, including pumpkins, alto-cumulus clouds and moose!


Pop-up Peekaboo! Pumpkin has Halloween scares under every flap.


Finally, from the team that brought you “If You Give A Mouse a Cookie, comes It’s Pumpkin Day, Mouse!, where our intrepid little mouse decorates his pumpkins for Halloween.


     What is your favorite autumn themed kids book?

     Tips, comments, recommendations, and suggestions are always welcome.  Have a great week!

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