Weekend Bookshelf: 2018 Book Awards

 “Classic – a book which people praise and don’t read” 

                                                                                                                         Mark Twain

MrVintageMan Book Awards for 2018

     With 2018 reaching it’s denouement, it is now time for the 1st ever Annual MrVintageMan Book Awards, where I hand out coveted prizes to some of the books I’ve read this year.  The categories include whatever the hell I want to include.  Let’s get to them.

Most Entertaining: Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey.  A kick-ass science fiction/mystery/horror novel with great characters and tons of action!


Most Inspirational: Over the Hills: A Midlife Escape Across America by Bicycle by David Lamb.  An older book, but still timely.  Mr. Lamb’s book is proof that adventures can still be had even when heading into the senior years.


Most Informative:  Empire on the Edge by Nick Bunker.  Penetrating look at how the British Empire blundered into a colonial uprising.


Most Insightful:  The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F#ck by Mark Manson.  Great book about being honest with yourself and cutting through your own bullshit.


Most Disappointing:  Downhills Don’t Come Free by Jerry Holl.  I love books about biking touring, and this book about a tour from Alaska to Southern California should be in my wheelhouse.  But Mr. Holl’s book reads more like a training journal.  He’s so busy cranking out the mileage he never stops to enjoy the  ride.


Most Times Started and Stopped:  America’s War for the Greater Middle East by Andrew J. Bacevich.  A very interesting subject to me, but for some reason I have struggled with this book.  Maybe next year.

     There you go.  Congratulations to this years winners!  Lets give a big round of applause.

     Thank you all for coming, and look forward to seeing you again in the New Year here at the Weekend Bookshelf.

     Have a fun and safe New Year!

     That’s it for this week. Comments, suggestions, tips and recommendations are always welcome. If you don’t wish to post comments on this site, feel free to email me at: Mrvintageman2@gmail.com.

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